Selasa, 19 April 2016

Kupikir setelah mengenyam dunia perkuliahan cari kerja jadi lebih mudah, ternyata tidak demikian. Itu yang terpikir saat ini, setelah berharap dengan peningkatan strata pendidikan akan ada perubahan namun selama beberapa bulan ini melakukan pencarian kerja semua belum terjawab. Kalau dipikirkan lagi kenapa lebih mudah cari pekerjaan dengan ijasah SMA. Ya dari pengalaman kemaren setelah lulus SMA...

Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

Siapa kah mereka? Makhluk dari mana? Wuittt...inilah sekumpulan pemuda yang agak 'nyeleneh' yang terdampar di kelas unggulan Ekonomi Manajemen di sebuah universitas. Awal pertemuan di tingkat 2 nya biasa saja dan berjalan dengan terus monoton hingga tingkat 3. Namun semua berubah setelah menyadari bahwa 'bentar lagi mau lulus'. Ya sekelompok pemuda ini merasa aktivitas monoton di dalam kelas telah merubah sikap alim mereka menjadi 'sedikit LIAR'. Karena pada saat itu juga mereka berpikir besok...

Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them. Here are some examples: Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week? Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning? A notebook is a computer which can be carried around. I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke. I want to live in a place where there is lots to do. Yesterday was a day when everything...
Exercise 37 : Relative Clauses 1. The last record that was produced by this company became a gold record. 2. Checking accounts who require a minimum balance are very common now. 3. The professor to whom you spoke yesterday is not here today. 4. John, whose grades are the highest in the school, has received the scholarship. 5. Felipe bought a camera that has three lenses. 6. Frank is the man whom we are going to nominate for the office of treasurer. 7. The doctor is with a patient whose...

Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Connectors or linkers are words or groups of words that help us connect words, phrases or sentences. Thanks to them, we can express relationships between ideas and improve our expression by making longer, more complex sentences. For example, take these two sentences: Our teacher was ill. We had to put off the exam.The first sentence is the cause of the second, and the second is the result of the...
Exercise 32 : Enough People enough French enough Enough time Fast enough Soon enough Enough early Hard enough Slowly enough Enough flour Books enough Exercise 33 : Because/Because Of Because of Because of Because of Because Because Because Because of Because of Because of Because of Exercise 34 : So/Such So Such Such So So So Such So So Such So So Such So So Exercise 35 : Passive Voice The president is called by somebody every day. The other members are being called...

Senin, 20 April 2015

Comparison can be made using the three forms of the adjective. Adjective is a word and it qualifies a noun. It gives more information about the The lion is a strong animal. Rita is a beautiful girl.Adjectives are of three degrees. (1) Positive (2) Comparative (3) Superlative  eg. David is a rich man.  eg. Cancel is more dreadful than cholera.  eg. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. Study...